Preparation for Adulthood
Careers education at Springwell is embedded into the school curriculum linked to the theme of preparation for adulthood. Our careers curriculum aims to raise the aspirations of all pupils whilst being tailored to individual needs. To ensure the programme is up-to-date and appropriate, the school undertakes the following:
Prohibits all forms of stereotyping to ensure pupils can consider the widest possible range of careers
Offers personalised guidance based on the needs and aspirations of individual pupils
Works with pupils and their families to help them understand the range of options available to them and provide information about the ways employees with SEND are supported in the workplace
Builds partnerships with businesses and other employers, employment services and organisations
Accesses the SEND local offer and ensure annual reviews are informed by good careers guidance
Works with the LA to identify pupils who need targeted support of those who are at risk of not participating in post 16 pathways
Shares details of any funds available for those with a financial hardship
Engages with the designated teacher for children who have been looked after to ensure that any personal education plans can inform careers advice and vice versa
Our careers programme has been designed to support all learners to acquire the educational, social and employability skills necessary to make a positive contribution beyond Springwell. It is constantly reviewed and is adapted to provide the necessary support for all groups of learners.
Careers education is provided through:
Subject Lessons
Work Experience
Careers Assemblies
Careers Day
The Annual Review Process
TIAG targeted sessions
Springwell tracks the effectiveness of its programme through the evaluation of accredited outcomes and tracking pupil destinations. In 2018-19, 93% of pupils successfully transitioned into positive post 16 destinations. This compares favourably to 81% SEND and 87% PPG nationally (DfE, 2018).
The Careers Leader
The careers leader is responsible for liaising with the Head of School, the careers adviser, the SENCO and other relevant staff to implement and maintain effective careers guidance. The careers leader negotiates the annual service level agreement with the LA and develops links with further education colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and employers. The school analyses its offer using the Gatsby Benchmarks and uses these to create a yearly action plan to continually improve the careers and employability offer.
The allocated Careers leader for the school is Tom Oates. Contact him directly or 01226 291133.